One liter = 4,000 drips. You can do the reverse unit conversion from gallon per minute to gallon/hour [US], or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Common volume flow rate conversions What is the flow rate? metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more! Flow Converter App 2 litres per minute to gallons per hour = 31.70065 gallons per hour. Drop to Gallon Conversion (drop to gal) Please enter drop (drop) value of volume unit to convert drop to gallon. 1 drop = 1.7132191608348E-5 gal. Second: drop per minute (gtt/min) is unit of flow rate. Related Mobile Apps from The EngineeringToolBox. The total volume (500 mL), divided by the total time in hours (12), equals 41.6, rounded to 42 mL per hour. as English units, currency, and other data. FAQ. measuring volume of liquid or gaseous substances like gasoline, other The conversions on this site will not be accurate enough for all applications. Please enable Javascript to use Sources and more information. It has been Manage Settings The user must fill one of the two fields 3) A faucet can fill a 1 gallon jug in 90 seconds. 3.67. to convert to Imp gpm. // Gordon Malloch Obituary, Watson Funeral Home Obituaries, How To Handle Database Exceptions In Spring Boot, Robert Wisdom Walk, Why Did Gilbert Grape's Dad Kill Himself, Articles D